Home Plumbing / bathroom / sanitary ware Pipe fittings

pipe connector

Quick-connect connector beef tendon snake skin hose extension union water pipe plastic quick-connect butt joint 4 minutes to 6 minutes 1 inch

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Quick-connect connector beef tendon snake skin hose extension union water pipe plastic quick-connect butt joint 4 minutes to 6 minutes 1 inch
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Whether import or not order no

The processing custom no item network connection daqo model network

Material plastic series: 4 points (net connection),4 points to 6 points (net connection),6 points to 6 points (net connection),4 points to 1 inch (net connection),6 points to 1 inch (net connection),1 inch (net connection),1.2 inches (net connection) nominal diameter: 0.1 (mm)

Application range of connection type screw clamp water pipe connection repair extension diameter change